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1ST JUNE 2022

Our reflection will be based on our Gospel reading :John:17:11-19

This passage is part of the larger discourse called the Farewell Discourse. It is a narration of Jesus teaching after the completion of the Last Supper with His disciples. The discourse is covered in chapters 14 to 17 of John's Gospel. It is consists of three components:

- that Jesus is going to the Father and he gives them the new commandment of love just as he grants them peace.

- the allegory of the Vine/ that he is the vine and the disciples are the branches that must abide with him otherwise thud wither and perish.

- the priestly prayer also called the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus. Our today's Gospel passage is based on just this prayer.

In this prayer Jesus makes 5 petitions:

I. Petition for glorification based on the completion of his work

ii. Petition for his disciples to remain united in love

iii. Petition for preservation and sanctification for "his own" in the world - that they may not be contaminated with worldly values.

iv. Petition for unity among "his own"

v. Petition for "his own" to remain in union with him.

Christ our High Priest, Saviour, Redeemer and Master continues to prayer for us - "his own"- that we may remain united in him and with one another in a bind of love.

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