5th February 2023
1. On the first and second Sundays of the month, we usually offer our tithe to the Lord. Today being the first Sunday, You are invited to make your offering, by bringing your tithe envelops to the Sanctuary for blessings. Our Parish Tithe Mpesa Pay bill No. is 867165. Choir please gives us an offertory hymn.
2. Infant Baptism will take place on Saturday, 18th March 2023, at 10.00am here in the church. It will be preceded by 3 Baptismal instruction classes for the Parents and god parents. Infant baptism registration is ongoing at the Parish tent, all other details are in the registration form. Classes will begin on 25th February 2023, at 2.00pm at St. Maria Goretti Hall.
3. Formation class one (1) and formation class two (2) for CWA is today at the Immaculate Conception hall and Mother of God hall respectfully, after the 8.00am Mass.
4. CMA formation class will be held at Assumption hall after the 10.00am Mass. All registered members are requested to attend.
5. The Youth Serving Christ will be having a spiritual talk today, 5/2/2023 after the 12noon Mass at the Annunciation hall. The theme is “RENEWING OUR PRAYER LIFE CENTERED ON THE EUCHARIST”. All YSC, YCA and MYM members are invited.
6. We are all requested to bring the palms which were blessed last year on Palm Sunday in order to help prepare ashes for Ash Wednesday. Kindly drop them at the Church Office.
7. Fr. will visit the sick and the elderly on Tuesday 7th February 2023, starting from 9.00am. Kindly register at the tent outside the Church.
8. Next Sunday will be “World Marriage day”. We will have a renewal of matrimonial vows (for those wedded in church) in all Masses; couples are asked to sit together next Sunday for easy management. The Parish has also organised a Seminar for All couples at St. Joseph Hall from 9.00am. All couples are welcome.
9. World youth day 2023 will be held in Lisbon with the theme "Mary arose and went with haste"(Lk 1:39). The Archdiocese of Nairobi Youth office has organised for the youth to participate from 26th July- 7th August 2023 at a cost of Ksh. 200,000. This caters for Return flights. A deposit of Ksh. 60,000 is required by 15th February 2023. For more details visit the Parish Tent.
10. Fr. Fredrick from OFM will be with us next Sunday, 12/02/2023, to promote his book on “Solidarity in the Spirit of Synodality”. Kindly support him.
11. Mass for Blessed Irene Nyaatha SCC will be on Tuesday 7/02/2023, at 7.00pm at St. Cecilia hall.
12. Mass for St. Augustine SCC will be on Wednesday 8/02/2023, at 7.00pm.
13. Mass for St. Monica SCC will be on Wednesday 8/02/2023, at 7.00pm
14. Mass for St. Claire SCC will be on Wednesday, 8/02/2023, at 7.00pm
15. Mass for St. Ann SCC will be on Thursday, 9/02/2023, at 7.00pm
16. Mass for St. Raphael SCC will be on Saturday, 11/02/2023, at 4.00pm
Next Sunday’s Mass Animation
1st Mass: Bible Study Group
2nd Mass: Couples for Christ Group
3rd Mass: St. Jude SCC