30th October 2022
1. Every First and Second Sunday of the month, we normally offer our tithe to the Lord. Next Sunday, 6th November 2022, will be the first Tithe Sunday, we will present our tithe to the Sanctuary for blessings. Our Parish Tithe Mpesa paybill no is 867165.
2. Tuesday, 1st November 2022, is the Solemnity of ALL SAINTS. It’s a holy day of obligation for all Catholics. We shall have two masses; the first one at 7.00am and the second one at 6.00 pm.
3. The commemoration of “All the Faithful departed” day is on Wednesday, 2nd November 2022. We shall have two Masses; the first one at 7.00am and the second one at 6.00 pm.
4. The month of November is dedicated for prayers for the souls of all our departed faithful. Christians are therefore encouraged to pray, perform works of mercy, do penance and book Mass intentions for the salvation of their souls.
Kindly pick form/envelop marked “Departed Faithful” from the Church pillars, write the names of the departed faithful, put your offering and drop them in the “Departed Faithful” box at the sanctuary. (You can also can use the Mpesa Paybill No. 684456).
5. Friday 4th November 2022 is the 1st Friday of the month, we will have Eucharistic Adoration at 6.00 am followed by mass.
6. Our Parish Magazine is out, kindly get yourself a copy at a cost of Kshs. 200.
7. Registration for new CMA formation class is ongoing, kindly register at the Tent outside, or at the Parish Office during the week. All men who have not yet joined C.M.A are invited to register.
8. Infant Baptism will take place on Saturday, 19th November 2022, at 10.00am. It will be preceded by Baptismal classes for the parents and god parents on Saturday, 12th November 2022, at 2.00pm at St. Maria Hall. Registration is ongoing at the Parish Office. Deadline for submission of the forms is on Sunday 6th November 2022.
9. The Youth Serving Christ (senior youth) will have their recollection day on Saturday, 12th November 2022 here at the parish, the theme of the day will be, “living through tough times’’.
10. Caritas Self-Help Group (SHG), is recruiting new members and will hold their Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 20th November 2022, after the second mass. All registered members are encouraged to attend AGM. Finally, we remind our current members to conveniently use our Paybill Number: 4020301 to effect their monthly contributions as we look ahead to commence credit/lending operations very soon.
11. Rochar Travel & Tours are organizing a Pilgrimage to Holy Land on 25 April 2023 - 3rd May 2023. For more information contact: Charles Muyira on 0725179991
12. Mass for St. Peter the Rock Small Christian Community will be on Thursday, 03/11/2022, at 7.00pm.
13. Mass for Blessed Irene Nyaatha Small Christian Community will be on Thursday, 03/11/2022, at 7.00pm.
14. Marriage Banns: for the First time. We announce marriage between Joseph Githinji and Christine Ndila Mutiso. Joseph is son to Waringu Machua and Teresia Wangare. Christine is daughter to Francis Mutiso and Veronica Mutiso.
15. Marriage Banns: for the First time. We announce marriage between Charles Benedict Mwongela and Faith Karei Lyria. Charles is son to Christine Kanario and the late Benedict Karau. Faith is daughter to the late Bernard Lyria and the late Mary Nkatha.
16. Marriage Banns: for the First time. We announce marriage between George Guara and Peris Wambui Nyutu. George is son to Stephen Kimani and Agnes Wanini. Peris is daughter to Joseph Nyutu Kamau and Alice Njoki Ngugi.
Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, do not hesitate to consult the Father In Charge.
Next Sunday’s Mass Animation
1st Mass: St. Monica SCC
2nd Mass: CMA Group
3rd Mass: Divine Mercy Group
Rehearsal are mandatory every Saturday at 4.00pm.