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OLRCP ANNOUNCEMENTS.                 ​                   5th May 2024

1. On the first and second Sundays of the month, we usually offer our tithe to the Lord. Today being the first Sunday of May, you are invited to make your offering by bringing your tithe envelopes to the Sanctuary for blessings. Our Parish Tithe Mpesa Pay bill No. is 867165. Choir please give us an offertory hymn.  

2. May is the month of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We are all encouraged to pray the Rosary at our homes, in our Small Christian communities and as individuals.

3. The Fr in charge would like to remind all Christians thatany announcements to feature in the Parish bulletin MUST be sent to the parish office by Thursday morning.

4. Infant Baptism will take place on Saturday, 15th June2024, at 10.00 am here in church. 3 Baptismal instruction classes for the Parents and godparents will precede it.  Classes will begin on Saturday, 18th May 2024, at 2.00 pm at St. Maria Goretti Hall. Registration is ongoing at the Parish tent or the Parish Office during the week, all the other details are in the registration form.

5. CMA group have organised a Seminar to commemorate the feast of St. Joseph the Worker today Sunday, 5th May 2024 after the 10:00 am Mass at St. Joseph Hall. ALL MEN are invited to attend. The theme will be the Role of a man in the Family, Society and the Church.

6. Our Priests will visit the sick, homebound and the elderly on Tuesday 7th May 2024, from 9.00 am. Kindly register at the tent outside the Church

7. We are inviting you for “THE UPPER ROOM EXPERIENCE,” Pentecost Novena for nine days in preparation for Pentecost starting on 10/5/2024, with daily Eucharistic adoration and guided meditation, Monday to Friday (6 am-7 am) and Weekends (Saturday and Sunday) (6.30 am-7.30 am) followed by Mass.

8. The Youth group would like to thank all Parishioners for their support during the last Bake Sale. In Celebration of this year's Mother’s Day, the Youth will be holding a Bake Sale in honor of Mothers and our Mother Mary, on 12th May from 8 am to 2 pm. Pre-orders will begin from 5th to 9th May. We look forward to your support. 

9. YCA announcements

a. The Archdiocese of Nairobi Youth office, through the Young Catholic Adults group (YCA) is thrilled to invite you to “YOUNG CATHOLIC COUPLES WEEKEND EDITION” And the "YOUNG CATHOLIC SINGLES WEEKEND" on 11th and 18th May 2024 respectively at Radix hotel, Karen. For more information and registration please visit the tent outside the church.

10. As part of our continuous young couple’s formation sessions, the Church has organized an online session this Friday, May 10th, 2024, at 7:00 PM. This week’s topic will be, 'Setting Boundaries in Marriage.' These sessions are intended for couples who have been together for 15 years and below. The link for joining the meeting will be shared on the Young Couples' WhatsApp group. Couples who would like to participate in this formation session but are not members of the WhatsApp group for Young Couples are kindly requested to leave their details at the desk outside the church.

11. Marriage Banns: for the second time. We announce the marriage between Mark Kagwachi Munga & Lilian Kagendo Mwangi. Mark is son to Peter Kahara Munga and Rose Njambi Munga. Lilian is daughter to the Late James Mwangi and the Late Monicah Njoki.

Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, do not hesitate to consult the Father-in-Charge.


12. Mass for Blessed Irene SCC will be celebrated on Tuesday 7th May 2024, at 7.00 pm.

13. Mass for St. Claire SCC will be celebrated on Wednesday 8th May 2024, at 7.00 pm.

14. Mass for St. Augustine SCC will be celebrated on Wednesday 8th May 2024, at 7.00 pm.

15. Mass for St. Monica SCC will be celebrated on Wednesday 8th May 2024, at 7.00 pm

16. Mass for St. Ann SCC will be celebrated on Thursday9th May 2024, at 7.00 pm

17. Mass for St. Teresa of Calcutta SCC will be celebrated on Thursday 9th May 2024, at 7.00 pm

18. Mass for the Charismatic group will be celebrated on Thursday 9th May 2024, at 7.00 pm

19. Mass for St. Raphael the Archangel SCC will be celebrated on Saturday 11th May 2024, at 4.00 pm.

Next Sunday’s Mass Animation

● 1st Mass:      ​Charismatic Group

● 2nd Mass    ​St. Jude SCC

● 3rd Mass:     Young Catholic Adults (YCA)

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