Envelops for our Christmas offertories are available at the tithe boxes at the Church pillars. Kindly pick one and offer your gift.
2. Every First and Second Sunday of the month, we normally offer our tithe to the Lord. Next Sunday, 7thJanuary 2024, will be the first Tithe Sunday, we will present our tithe at the Sanctuary for blessings. Tithe envelopes are available at the tithe boxes at the Church pillars and at the Church Tent. Our Parish Tithe Mpesa Paybill Number is 867165.
3. End of the year Masses programme:
i. Today Sunday 31/12/2023: Vigil Mass at 6.00 pm which will be animated by Young Adults.
ii. There will be a night vigil in the Church to usher in the Year 2024, today 31st December 2023, beginning 8.00pm. All are welcome
iii. New year (01/01/2024)
❖ 9.00am Mass will be animated by Mary Help of Christians SCC
NB/: No evening Mass.
❖ Other weekday Masses from Tuesday will be as usual (7 am and 6 pm).
4. As was announced last Sunday, today is the Solemnity of the Holy Family (of Jesus, Mary and Joseph). During Mass there will be a special blessing and renewal of marital vows for couples married in Church. We therefore request them to sit together during Mass.
5. The Priest’s Office will remain closed on Wednesday 3rd January 2024 except for emergencies.
6. Friday 5th January 2024, is the 1st Friday of the month, we will have Eucharistic Adoration and Sacred Heart of Jesus Devotion starting at 6.00 am followed by Holy Mass at 7.00am and confessions after Mass.
7. 6th January 2024 will be the first Saturday of the month. The Immaculate Heart of Mary devotional group will have prayers at the Grotto after the morning mass.
8. Children and adult catechism classes will resume on Sunday 14th January 2024 at 10.00am and 12.00pm respectively.
9. Our Parish Calendar is out; kindly get yourself a copy at a cost of Kshs. 250 only.
10. Formation classes one (1) and two (2) for CWA will begin next Sunday 7th January 2024 after the 8.00am Mass. Kindly purpose to attend.
11. The CMA Formation Classes will begin on Sunday, 14th January 2024 after the 10:00am Mass. Kindly return the Registration Forms at the Tent outside the Church or at the Parish Office during the week.
12. Marriage Banns: for the first time. We announce marriage between Jean Bosco Mungurakarama and Rahab Nyiraminani. Jean Bosco is son to Nsanzabaganwa Francois and Nyiranzabonimpaye Justine. Rahab is daughter to Mugaragu Joel and Yankurije Josephine.
Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, do not hesitate to consult the Father In Charge.
Next Sunday’s Mass Animation
❖ 1st Mass: St. Teresa of Calcultta SCC
❖ 2nd Mass christ the King Choir
❖ 3rd Mass: St. Jude SCC.