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1. Easter Dues envelopes are available at the Church pillars. Kindly pick an envelope from the Church pillars and at the Parish tent and offer your Dues.

2. During Eastertide, we are requested to bring foodstuff and clothes to help our needy brothers and sisters. These can be dropped off in the parish office during the week.

3. Fr. will visit the sick and the elderly on Tuesday 26th March 2024, from 9.00 am. Kindly register at the tent outside the Church.

4. Holy Week Announcements:

a. Priests are available today, for confessions from 9.30 am to 2.30 pm in the halls downstairs.

b. The Priest’s Office will remain closed on Wednesday 27th March 2024 except for emergencies.

c. Chrism Mass will be celebrated at Holy Family Minor Basilica on Thursday 28thMarch 2023 at 10.00 am.

d. Mass of the Lord’s Supper is on Thursday, 28th March 2024, at 6.00 pm. It will immediately be followed by adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Mass will be animated by St. Teresa of Calcutta Small Christian community.

e. Good Friday, 29th March 2024- Christians are requested to assemble at the church compound by 11.30 am. You are reminded to carry your Rosary for the Divine Mercychaplet. CMA group will be animating the service.

i. There will be a Special collection for the Holy Land during the Good Friday service. This is a universal appeal that is used to preserve the holy places where Jesus taught and lived.

ii. We shall also have the way of the cross for children and the elderly at 12.20 pmhere in church.

f. Easter vigil Mass 30th March 2024 at 6 pm– Christians are reminded to bring candles and candle holders to avoid spilling of wax in church. Remember also to carry your Rosaries for the divine Mercy Chaplet. Easter Vigil Mass will be animated by St. Stephen Small Christian community.

NB//: Broken and spoilt sacramental e.g Rosaries, scapular rings, crucifixes etc are normally burnt in the Holy Saturday fire. Those who have such can bring them to the office between Tuesday and Thursday this week. PLEASE DON’T BRING THEM ON HOLY SATURDAY.

5. We shall resume the daily Mass program with daily Rosary recitation 30 Minutes before all morning Masses beginning on Tuesday next week.

6. MYM Parents will have a Seminar on 6th April at 8.30 am. Kindly register to attend. You are also requested to complete and return the Teens Registration Forms by today, 24th March 2024 at the tent outside the church.

7. Divine Mercy Group will celebrate the Divine Mercy Feast day on 7th April 2024 during the noon Mass. You are all invited to join us in the celebration.

8. The Youth Board is organising a Transition & Welcoming Ceremony for all Youth Groups (MYM, YSC & YCA) on 13th April. This will begin with a Joint Youth Mass at 9 am. All Young people between the ages 13yrs to 35yrs are invited.  For more information, visit the Tent.

9. Marriage Banns: for the First time. We announce the marriage between Vincent Kimani Kuria and Irene Mugechi Ngandu. Vincent is the son to James Kuria Karungu and Beatrice Gathoni Kuria. Irene is the daughter to David Ngandu Karanja and Susan Njeri Ngandu.

10. Marriage Banns: for the second time. We announce the marriage between Alexander Nyasing’a Monari and Zipporah Wanjiru Maruvu. Alexander is the son to Michael Ombabah Monari and Eva Lanket Monari.Zipporah is the daughter to Abyuo Maruvu Kamau and Esther Muthoni Maruvu.

Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, do not hesitate to consult the Father-in-Charge.

Next Sunday’s Mass Animation

● 1st Mass:      ​St. Michael the Archangel SCC

● 2nd Mass    ​St. Francis of Assisi SCC

● 3rd Mass:       PMC Group

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