On the first and second Sundays of the month, we usually offer our tithe to the Lord. Today being the second Sunday, you are invited to make your offering by bringing your tithe envelopes to the Sanctuary for blessings. Our Parish Tithe Mpesa Pay bill No. is 867165.
2. Next Sunday 21st January 2024:
a 2nd collection known as the Holy Childhood collection. This is a worldwide appeal for needy Children, especially orphans.
3. Children and adult catechism classes resume today, 14th January 2024 after 10.00 am and 12.00 pm respectively.
4. The Divine Mercy devotional group announces a new formation class to start next Sunday 21st January 2024. If you wish to join please register at the tent outside the Church or the Secretary's office.
5. Our Parish Calendar is out; kindly get yourself a copy at a cost of Kshs. 250 only.
6. The CWA group will hold their monthly meeting next Sunday 21st January 2024 after the 10.00 am Mass, kindly purpose to attend.
7. The CMA Formation Classes begin today, 14th January 2024 after the 10:00 am Mass at St. Joseph Hall. Kindly return the Registration Forms at the Tent outside the Church.
8. Sacred Heart Devotion will hold their classes today 14th January 2024 after the 10 am Mass at the Immaculate Conception Hall. New members are most welcome.
9. The Young Catholic Adults Group (YCA) will hold their monthly meeting on Sunday 21st January 2024 after the 10 am. The group is open to both single and married couples between the ages of 27 and 35. Persons in this age bracket are requested to attend themonthly meetings for registration.
10. Fr Michael Mungai who was with us briefly until November last year is inviting all the Christians of Our Lady of Rosary Parish- Ridgeways to join him as he thanks God and celebrates the 40th anniversary of his priestly ordination on Saturday 27th January 2024 here in the Church from 10am. All are welcome.
11. Marriage Banns: for the first time. We announce marriage between Charles Bbaale Mayiga and Nabagereka Sonia Elizabeth. Charles is son to Charles Peter Mayiga and Margaret Mayiga. Sonia Elizabeth is daughter to Peter James Kasirye and Lilian Mutengu Naigaga.
12. Marriage Banns: for the third time. We announce the marriage between Jean Bosco Mungurakarama and Rahab Nyiraminani. Jean Bosco is son to Nsanzabaganwa Francois and Nyiranzabonimpaye Justine. Rahab is daughter to Mugaragu Joel and Yankurije Josephine.
Should there be any reason that the above should not wed, do not hesitate to consult the Father In Charge.
Next Sunday’s Mass Animation
❖ 1st Mass: St. Augustine SCC
❖ 2nd Mass CMA Group
❖ 3rd Mass: St. Faustina SCC