1. On the first and second Sundays of the month, we usually offer our tithe to the Lord. Today being the Second Sunday, you are invited to make your offering, by bringing your tithe envelopes to the Sanctuary for blessings. Our Parish Tithe Mpesa Pay bill No. is 867165.
2. Infant Baptism will take place on Saturday, 16th September 2023, at 10.00 a.m. here in the Church.
3. CWA will hold their recollection on Sunday 17th September @ Lily of the Valley Gardens beginning at 9.00 a.m. All CWA members are requested to attend.
4. Waumini Sacco will be with us next Sunday 17th September 2023 to advertise their merchandise. Kindly support them.
5. September, being a Deaf Awareness month, the Parish is organizing to host members of the Catholic Deaf Community in Nairobi Archdiocese next Sunday, 17th September 2023. They will be present in all the 3 Masses, later they shall have an opportunity to socialize with the parishioners at St. Joseph Hall after the 12 O’clock Mass. You are all welcome to socialize with them and support this mission. God bless.
6. “The Management of Our Lady of the Rosary Ridgeways Parish Caritas Self Help Group is pleased to announce to its members that it will hold the Third Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Group on Saturday, September 23, 2023, at 9 AM in the Maria Goretti Hall. The AGM program will start with the Eucharistic Celebration of Mass in the Church. All members are expected to attend the AGM and in line with our By-Laws, a fine will be charged to absent members.”
7. We have a new intake for Altar servers. All those who would like to join are requested to register at the Parish tent.
8. St. John Eudes Waridi School wishes to announce grade one 2024 interviews on Saturday 16th September 2023. For more information about the school, kindly visit the parish tent outside the church.
9. Mass for St. Augustine SCC will be celebrated on Wednesday 12th September 2023, at 7.00 pm.
10. Mass for St. Monica SCC will be celebrated on Wednesday 12th September 2023, at 7.00 pm.
11. Mass for St Ann SCC will be celebrated on Thursday 14th September 2023, at 7.00 pm.
12. Mass for St Teresa of Calcutta SCC will be celebrated on Thursday 14th September 2023, at 7.00 pm.
Next Sunday’s Mass Animation
1st Mass: Charismatic group
2nd Mass Christ the King Choir
3rd Mass: Couples for Christ
Mass was being animated by St. Peter the Rock SCC. This Jumuiya is located within Muthaiga North Estate. Those who are new in our Church and reside in this area and would like to join us are most welcome. For more information about the animating Jumuiya, kindly visit the tent outside the Church