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OLRCP ANNOUNCEMENTS.                   10th March 2024

1. Every first and second Sundays of the month, we usually offer our tithe to the Lord. Today being the Second Sunday of March, you are invited to make your offering by bringing your tithe envelopes to the Sanctuary for blessings. Our Parish Tithe Mpesa Pay bill No. is 867165. Choir please give us an offertory hymn.

2. “THE WILDERNESS EXPERIENCE” (Forty days of Lenten spiritual journey), is ongoing, with daily Eucharistic adoration and guided Lenten meditation, every Monday to Friday (6 am-7 am) and Weekends (Saturday and Sunday) (6.30 am-7.30 am) followed by Holy Mass.

3. The Way of the Cross is every Friday of Lent at 5.30pm followed by Holy Mass. This coming Friday (15/03/2024), it will be animated by the CWA Group.

4. This year's Palm Sunday will be celebrated on Sunday, 24th March 2024. The church requests for donation of palms. If you have palms and wish to donate, kindly register at the parish tent outside the church or in the church office during the week.

5. Priests are available for confessions every day of the Lenten season after the morning Mass at the confessionals.

6. Infant baptism will take place on Saturday, 23rd March 2024, at 10.00 am here in Church. Instruction classes for both parents and godparents are ongoing every Saturday.

7. Sacred Heart Devotion will hold their classes today 10th March 2024 after the 10 am mass at the Immaculate Conception Hall. New members are most welcome.

8. There will be a formation session for young couples(those married for 15 years and below), on Sunday 17th March after the 10 am mass. The topic to be discussed will be Conflict Resolution. Kindly purpose to attend. 

9. On Sunday 17th March 2024, we will have a guest speaker in all Masses to give a brief talk on a topic relating to mental health.  You are all encouraged to attend.

10. The CWA group will hold their monthly meeting next Sunday 17th March 2024 after the 10.00 am mass. Kindly purpose to attend. 

11. PMC will be holding a parents seminar dubbed "Graciously Navigating Parenting Challenges" on Saturday 16th March 2024 from 8:00am - 11:00am. Parents with children between the ages of 0 - 18 years are encouraged to attend. Register to attend at the church tent or with your PMC Jumuiya representative.

12. Divine Mercy formation class takes place every first and third Saturday of the month. New members are most welcome.


a. YCA formation classes will commence on Sunday 17th March 2024. All YCA members are encouraged to enrol.

b. The YCA monthly meeting will be held on Sunday 24th of March at noon (after the 10am Mass)


a. The Youth Board on behalf of Youth Serving Christ (YSC) takes this opportunity to thank you, our parishioners, most sincerely for your kind generosity and support during the Charity Drive appeal and the Bake Sale recently held in support of youth activities in our parish.

b. 52 YSC members visited The Nest Half Way Home for a charity event on Saturday, 2nd March 2024. Your donations went a long way in making the charity event a success. May our Good Lord bless you abundantly.


a. The CMA Archdiocese of Nairobi will celebrate their Patron Saint Joseph on Saturday 16th March 2024 at St. Joseph Technical Institute Kamulu. 73 Men from our Parish will be Commissioned as CMA Members. ALL Men are encouraged to attend.

b. All members of the CMA FORMATION CLASS will have a meeting with Father and rehearsals for their upcoming commissioning today after the 10:00am mass at St Joseph Hall. Attendance is Mandatory.

16. The church is organizing a training for lectors and ushers in our parish. Those interested in this ministryare encouraged to register at the tent outside the church or the Parish office during weekdays.  All Small Christian Communities are called upon to register their members for this important training. Dates for the same will be communicated.

17. Recollection day for St. Francis of Assisi SCC will be on Wednesday 13th March 2024, at 9.00am at the Resurrection Garden.

18. Mass for St. Monica SCC will be celebrated onWednesday 13th March 2024, at 7.00 pm.

19. Mass for St. Augustine SCC will be celebrated onWednesday 13th March 2024, at 7.00 pm.

20. Retreat for Charismatic group will be on Thursday 14thMarch 2024, at 9.00 am at Resurrection Garden

21. Mass for St. Bridgit Daughters of Christ will be celebrated on Thursday 14th March 2024, at 5.30 pm.

22. Mass for St. Ann SCC will be celebrated on Thursday 14th March 2024, at 7.00 pm.

23. Mass for St. Teresa of Calcutta SCC will be celebrated on Thursday 14th March 2024, at 7.00 pm.

24. Mass for Mary Help of Christians SCC will be celebrated on Saturday 16th March 2024, at 4.00 pm.

Next Sunday’s Mass Animation

● 1st Mass:      ​Mary Help of Christians SCC

● 2nd Mass    ​Charismatic Group

● 3rd Mass:     ​St. Mary’s Girls, Runda.

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