Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:; Mk 9:14-29
The hymn maker, John H. Sammis, in 1887 composed; When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word; what a great glory He sheds on our way. To wake up and encounter an insurmountable challenge can really confuse one’s entire day. I remember, not too long ago, a lady picking a call after morning Mass and collapsing upon hearing bad news from the one who called. At times, we admit that our day is spoilt either by what we see or what hear.
In today’s Gospel, nine (9) of the twelve (12) disciples had a frightening experience. Luke helps us to understand that the situation occurred in the morning hours (Cf. Luke 9:37). Jesus has left the company with three (3) of the disciples for a night session on a mountain. The other disciples come to the point of departure in the following morning waiting for the master. As they wait, a man brings his son who is possessed by an evil spirit and pleads with the disciples to intervene. Unfortunately, the nine are unable to heal the sick boy. Confusion ensues and perhaps, people around may start arguing whether these 9 are really part of the disciples which Jesus has given power to heal as well.
As the situation becomes more chaotic, Jesus appears with the three. He makes enquiries about the situation and takes over from there. Then, with ease, he gives a simple command, then sanity is restored and the boy is instantly healed. Let us note that the disciples met this challenge because they were disciples of Jesus staying at the appropriate place. Like the calming of the storm at sea, Jesus enters in and calms the raging storm. Obedience to the Lord will bring challenges to us. Let me say that no one is immune from the struggles of life. This notwithstanding, Jesus will, without fail, intervene and give victory to his faithful ones who believe in him with no doubt. And, when we learn to add a life of prayer to our obedience to God, He will empower us to command authoritatively without fail.