2Sm 15:13-14.30; 16:5-13a; Ps 3:2-3.4-5.6-7. Mk 5:1-20
Memorial Of Saint John Bosco, Priest
The Psalmist says that: Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labour in vain (Ps. 127:1). Could that be the source of motivation for David in the first Reading? His own son, Absalom, seeks to kill him; Shimei, as well, rains curse on him yet the King neither fights back nor allows Abishai who wants to defend him do so. Instead, David chooses to seek a hide out from Absalom and hopes for the intervention of God at Mount Olives.
David avoids a sinful defense of his dignity or dynasty.
Perhaps, here, he remembers what is told to the Israelites: For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory (Deut. 20:4). Once we submit our will to God victory follows. Remember that our battle today may be more about what is unseen than what we see before us. And when we resist the enemy God’s word reminds us to flee the devil (Jas. 4:7).
In the Gospel, the healed man, at his first encounter with Jesus, accepts completely a mission of witnessing.
Straightaway, this man healed from demonic possession, does what Jesus asks of him despite the fact that he refuses to follow Jesus physically. From this, we learn that discipleship is about obedience and not merely physical companionship. It is important that each and every one asks him/herself: Since I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, how seriously do I obey his orders? Note that Jesus has said elsewhere: Not everyone who says to me: Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father in heaven (Mat. 7:21). In other words, mere following or mentioning the name of Jesus does not warrant one to be called a disciple, but the one who obeys his instructions. As we follow him, we need to open our hearts to obey what he commands us. We pray that the Lord may grant us an obedient heart so that we shall permit God’s will in our lives at all times.
Saint John Bosco pray for us.