22ND AUGUST 2022
Memorial of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, WEEK 21, MON AUG 22 ( 2 Thess 1:1-5, 11-12, Mt 23:13-22 )
Dearest friends, One of the Dogmas of our catholic faith is that upon the completion of her life on Earth, our Blessed Mother was taken body and soul into Heaven to be with her Son for all eternity. And now, from her place in Heaven, she is given the unique and singular title of Queen of All the Living! She is the Queen of the Kingdom of God now, and she will be Queen of this Kingdom for all eternity. As Queen, she also enjoys the unique and singular gift of being the mediatrix and distributor of grace.
In todays gospel, Jesus was angry with the religious leaders because they failed to listen to God's word and they misled the people they were supposed to teach and lead in the ways of God. They were blindly leading people to "pharisaism"- to their own ideas, rules, and practices which God did not intend or require - rather than to God's intention and way of life for his people.
These Scribes and Pharisess failed to lead others to God because they listened to their own ideas of what is true religion and they failed to understand the true meaning and intention of God's word. Through their own pride and prejudice they blindly shut the door of their own hearts and minds to the truth of God's kingdom. Beloved Jesus wants to speak to us each and every day, to help us grow in our knowledge and understanding of his love and truth. May Mary our Mother assist us in hearing and doing what the Lord wants. BE BLESSED.