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Friday 30th April 2021

Our lady, Mother of Africa

Acts: 1:12-14

Lk 1:46-55

Gospel: Jn 2: 1-11


Dear Christians, the month is ending in a style! We are celebrating the feast that puts us in the mood of devotion to Mary. As we all know, the next month of May, is a month dedicated to Mary. We as Africans and all those who live in Africa, are privileged to have a day of Glorifying God for the gift of our heavenly mother whom we honor today as our Lady, Mother of Africa.

Our Gospel passage today captures that familiar scene of the Wedding Feast at Cana which forms the basis of our devotion to Mary. She is alert and quick to respond to the problem. She has faith in Jesus and all what was needed was to do whatever Jesus would tell them to do.

After her intervention we don’t hear anything else about her. This alludes her humility and poverty of spirit. As the handmaid of the lord, she is comfortable to be at the background of the event. This is the character our mother owns; the intercessory role. She intercedes and makes things happen but we do not worship her.

Today we celebrate the fact that Mary intercedes for the whole of Africa as a mother. At a time like ours when our continent is faced with the turmoil of various sorts and scopes, at a time like ours when we are still suffering under the yoke of neo- colonialism, whereby Africa continues to serve as the economic life-blood of the so- called developed countries, while her people suffer from untold hardship, injustice, insecurity and malignant ignorance, we need Mother Mary’s intercession more than ever.

We have run out of wine in Africa; we are hijacked by Bad leadership and are torn by hate, anger and dishonesty. Christians are being persecuted in some countries; people are dying, churches are burnt down in some countries, our highways have become kidnappers’ den, terrorists are everywhere disguising as uniform men, herdsmen and security agents. We need to return to our rosaries, we need Mary’s intercession.

We acknowledge her position as our lady and mother and beseech her intercession for all her distressed children especially this time of Corvid 19 pandemic. Lord Jesus, may your mother, our lady mother of Africa pray for us. Amen.

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