9th April 2021 – Easter Friday
Acts 4:1-12. Ps. 118 Gospel: Jn 21: 4 - 14
From the Gospel, the disciples had lost physical contact with Jesus. Nevertheless, their lives had been changed by their contact with Jesus, and when they met him by the lake-shore, and recognized him and followed his guidance. Sometimes back Jesus had called them away from being fishermen, inviting them to share in his work of drawing people into God’s kingdom. After he had been crucified, there was nothing to do but go back to what they knew best. Seeing no way forward they returned to their past. But like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, they were re-directed. The risen Lord now stood on the shore of the Lake of Galilee to renew the call they had heard some years earlier.
By his smiling invitation to have breakfast with him, he showed his unbroken friendship towards them, that they had abandoned at the time of his passion. The Lord is always inviting us like that. Even if we have failed in our friendship with him, he invites us to start afresh and cast our nets in a different direction. Our relationship with him is full of hope. Easter is when we recognize him again on the shore of our lives, calling us to follow where he is leading us. The question is, have I opened my heart to recognize him and allow him to lead me on the right path?
Let us pray to the lord that he may grant us the endless desire to listen to His voice. The wisdom and understanding to get the message. The grace to put it into practice daily in every aspect of our life so that we may yield the desired fruits expected of us in the risen Christ.