"...Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with you..."
Luke 1:28
The Catholic Men Association (CMA) is a Church group for lay baptized and devout male members of the Roman Catholic Church. The group offers a great opportunity to Catholic men to live worthily their Christian vocation as well as undertake their family duties with great love, understanding and sacrifice.
The group is under the patronage of St. Joseph.
VISION: To enrich the society via living Gospel values in the family, church and community.
MISSION: To promote the family institution through companionship (spouse), fatherhood (children), and active participation in Church for the evangelization and sanctification of humanity.
Every adult male who is a practising Catholic can express the intention to join CMA after which he will be taken through the recruitment process that culminates in being commissioned.
The group meets on quarterly basis but there is daily Spiritual and social activities that takes place through the group’s digital social platforms.
CMA current Chaplain: Fr. Francis Murira.

Catholic Women Association (CWA) is a Catholic lay movement whose main goal is to enhance the spiritual growth of Catholic women and enable them participate more effectively in the evangelization and sanctification of humanity.
Patron is St. Monica who is a model wife, mother and Saint.
Goal is to strengthen Faith in all the members.
Motto is "Strong in Faith".
Steps in becoming a full CWA member:
Be a baptized Catholic woman and have attained age of 18 years.
Be in probation period of six months as one is undergoing formation one classes.
Take promises, receive an archdiocese badge and where applicable parish uniform and sign a commitment form during commissioning ceremony in the parish conducted by a Priest (Chaplain).
Formation two classes continue for six months after which there is reception ceremony in the archdiocese level during the archdiocese feasts.
Their meeting is at 11:30AM on every third Sunday of the month at St. Monica Hall in the Parish.
"Saint Monica model of patience, prayer and perseverance, intercede for us, that we too, may be awakened to the sacred, and trust in God's perfect timing. Amen."
CWA current Chaplain: Fr. Silferius Aluodo.

Divine Mercy Group
Divine Mercy is a devotional group open to all devoted Catholics, both male and female, of all the ages.
Its mission is to proclaim and promote the Mercy of God through prayer and works of mercy according to the teachings of Jesus through St. Faustina.
The resources for Divine Mercy Spirituality are: the Holy Scripture, the diary of St. Faustina and the catechism of the Catholic Church.
Teachings takes place every 3rd Friday of the month and prayer session takes place every Friday of the week at 6PM.
Divine Mercy Group current Chaplain: Fr. Silferius Aluodo.

Bible Study Group
This group was started in the year 2013 with the purpose of helping the parishioners to be well versed with/in the Word of God and above all to live according to it since the Bible contains the mind of God, the state of man and the happiness of believers.
"Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came and the winds blew and buffeted the house but it did not fall for it had been set solidly on rock."
The group's vision and mission of guiding the parishioners in the ways of God and in a prayerful manner are well captured in Hebrews 4:12, "The Word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart."
Membership is open to all parishioners who would wish to learn more about the Word of God.
The group meets every Tuesday from 6:00PM to 7:30PM. Apart from the weekly sessions of study the group also has days of recollections and retreats.
Patron Saint: St. Jerome, "When we pray, we speak to God; but when read the Scriptures, God speaks to us."
Bible Study Group current Chaplain: Fr. Francis Murira.

Charismatic Renewal Group
The Charismatic Group is open to all parishioners with an emphasis on expressing the Gifts of the Holy Spirit believing that the Spirit brings about renewal through the Grace of God.
Members usually hold prayer meetings within the church outside Mass that feature Scripture reading and praise songs and intercessory prayers in line with the teachings of the Catholic Church. A central concept of the charismatic renewal group is the experience of the baptism in the Holy Spirit as it happened to the apostles during Pentecost.
They meet every Thursday in the Church from 6:30PM and some of their activities include visiting the old and the sick, monthly Masses, recollections and retreats.
Charismatic Renewal current Chaplain: Fr. Silferius Aluodo.

Couples For Christ Group
Couples for Christ (CFC) is a Catholic movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life. CFC couples have committed themselves to the Lord and to one another so that they may grow in maturity as men and women of God and fulfil their primary vocation of raising families grounded in Christian values, in the service and love of God.
CFC wants to bring God's Strength and Light to those who are struggling to be truly Christian families in the modern world. They rise in defence of the family, which is God's Work.
Any validly married Catholic couple can become members of Couples for Christ.
CFC current Chaplain: Fr. Joseph Michuki.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Worldwide Marriage Encounter is an enrichment for married couples who value their relationship and desire a richer, fuller life together. It also offers married couples, priests and religious an experience of deepening relationships in a Catholic tradition.
This movement is designed to give married couples the opportunity to examine their lives together. A time to share their feelings, disappointment, joys, frustrations etc in an open and honest way. The goal of Marriage Encounter is to make strong families by building strong marriages.
The mission of Worldwide Marriage Encounter is to proclaim the value of Marriage and Holy Orders in the church and in the world.
It is a special group that meets once a month to continually support each other's effort for an ever-growing marriage.
Their vision is "Love one another as I have loved you"; John 15:12.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter current Chaplain: Fr. Francis Murira.

The Young Catholic Adults (YCA)
It is a Catholic youth group for baptized young people aged between 27-35 years of age with the purpose of assisting its members in their spiritual, social and personal lives amidst their daily life activities since most of them are working and starting to settle down in marriage life.
VISION: To promote a sense of Christian identity and witnessing in a busy fast paced society in accordance to the teachings of the church and the Bible.
MISSION: To act as a link between the members and the Church whereby they can offer their skills to the Parish, and empower each other with spiritual, economic, physical and social information and formation in a friendly environment.
The group also develops leadership qualities among its members in order to coordinate and utilize the abilities of the members as future church leaders and in the society in general.
The YCA meets every Second Friday of the Month at 6:30PM for a session called Gift Series, a very motivating encounter. The group engages in choir, Bible study, recollections, charity works, mentorship for the YSC, and morally uplifting leisure activities.
To join the group, contact the Parish office.
The Patron Saint is St. Francis de Sales.
YCA current Chaplain: Fr. Joseph Michuki.

Youth Serving Christ (Senior Youth)
The Youth Serving Christ is a Catholic Church Youth group for baptized young people aged between 18-26 years with the aim of creating an atmosphere for its members to grow spiritually, morally and in all other relevant aspects of life in a holistic way in tune with the Biblical teachings as well as in tune with the Roman Catholic Church teachings.
VISION: Guided by the above teachings, the group seeks to live the mandate of Jesus Christ.
MISSION: To help young people understand and live their faith courageously and use their God given talents to help in evangelizing their fellow youth.
The youth group meets every Sunday after the noon Mass and registration for new members is normally done at the tent outside the church every Sunday. Under the youth group we also have a choir that sings in the Sunday noon Mass with choir practice every Sunday at 8:30AM.
In order to keep the group vibrant, members engage in spiritual activities like bible study and trivia, recollections, charity work, sports and meetings and talks both physically and online.
Youth Serving Christ current Chaplain: Fr. Joseph Michuki.

The Missionary Youth Movement (MYM)
According to the Archdiocese of Nairobi youth department definition, the MYM members are referred to as identity seekers due to the fact that they cannot fit in the PMC or in the senior youth group.
Its members are aged between 12-18 years and they are mostly in school, their activities usually take place during the school holidays.
VISION: To take their roles from the examples of our Lord Jesus Christ who has called them and initiated them into the Missionary Youth Movement.
MISSION: To employ more viable approaches to ministering the youth in their historical concrete existence as identity seekers by identifying more appropriate church models that incorporate this dynamic youth group.
MOTTO: Baptised and sent to care for others.
Some of the activities that the MYM have during the holidays include:
Eucharistic celebration
Charity work
Motivational talks
Responsible behaviour
Mentorship programme
Membership is open to baptized youth between the age of 12-18 years. Those not baptised can also join the group whereby they will be encouraged to join catechism classes. MYM members graduate to the Youth Serving Christ (Senior Youth) once they finish high school.
Patron: St. Dominic Savio
MYM current Chaplain: Fr. Joseph Michuki.

Catch Them Young (CTY)
Catch Them Young (CTY) is a Church Group which exists within the PMC Group. It caters for children of 13 and 14 years of age.
The teen years don’t have to be tumultuous. Since Most 13-14 year old teens are dealing with the emotional and physical changes that accompany puberty, the group seeks to give them the skills they need to make good decisions.
Apart from the scheduled PMC activities, the Parish has special programs for this group throughout the year and especially during the school holidays.
CTY current Chaplain: Fr. Francis Murira.

Pontifical Missionary Childhood Group
Pontifical Missionary Childhood is a Church group which animates and forms children (up to 14 years of age) in the Catholic faith from the missionary viewpoint. The boys and girls belonging to Missionary Childhood, accompanied by the board members their animators, propose to be missionaries and helpers of other children, within the Parish community and beyond.
The Motto of PMC is “CHILDREN HELPING CHILDREN”. Children are animated to proclaim and share the joy of the Word of God with other children through their prayers, works of charity, inviting others to join them and providing material help to those most needy.
The board members and animators help and guide the children while letting them take on their own responsibilities and accompanying them in carrying out everything that they themselves must do.
PMC activities include:
PMC prayers and other activities every Saturday at 2:00 PM.
PMC Mass is every Sunday at 10:00 AM at Maria Goretti Hall.
Sunday school for Children below 7 years of age every Sunday at 10:00 AM at St. Joseph and Blessed Irene Hall.
Annual Parish, Deanery and Diocesan activities such as sports, drama festivals and PMC Rosary Pilgrimage.
PMC current Chaplain: Fr. Francis Murira.

Parish Choirs
The Parish has three organized choir groups that sing in different masses.
A choir is a vital group in every Liturgical celebrations. They sing beautiful music to praise God and edify the congregation in every worship. St. Augustine says "to sing is to pray twice".
We have:
St. Gregory the Great Choir for the first Mass at 8:00 AM
Christ the King Choir for the second mass at 10:00 AM
St. Ephrem Choir for the third mass at 12:00 PM
They do their rehearsals on Thursday and Saturday every week.
Patron Saint: St. Cecilia
Dear St. Cecilia, may you inspire musicians to gladden the hearts of people by filling the air with God's gift of music and reminding them of the divine musician who created all beauty. Amen.
Parish Choirs' current Chaplain: Fr. Francis Murira.

Altar Servers
It is a great privilege to serve at the altar.
The altar server, as well as praising and thanking God for all that God has done for us, assists the Priest in the Liturgical activities, of which the most important is the Mass. The server learns the structure of the Mass and how to assist the priest, for example, in the presentation of the wine and water at the Preparation of the Gifts.
Other liturgical activities in which they can serve are Baptisms, Benediction, Funerals and Weddings.
To be an altar server, you must be between 10-14 years of age, have received your First Holy Communion, know how to genuflect properly and how to make the sign of the cross. You must attend mass regularly, be a member of PMC, and have a strong desire to serve at the Altar of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Motto: Let us Serve the Lord with Joy.
They meet every Saturday at 2.00PM.
Altar Servers current Chaplain: Fr. Joseph Michuki

St. Bridget Widows Group
St. Bridget group is a group of women in our Parish who have lost their husbands through death. They also call themselves daughters of Christ.
Their aim is to live a life of prayer and service to their families, church, and community. They support each other through prayers.
Patron Saint: St. Bridget
Membership is open to any baptized Catholic widow living a sacramental life and an active member in the small Christian communities in the church.
Activities of the group:
Meeting for prayers regularly
Visiting the needy especially the widowed, single mothers and orphans
Organising annual retreats/recollections
Supporting the families in need
Praying and supporting religious vocations, etc
They normally meet every fourth Sunday of the month after the first Mass (9:30AM) within the church premises.
"God keeps a careful eye on the widow and has given strict instructions on how the windows should be treated." Deut. 16:11-14, Jeremiah 22:1-5, Luke 2:36-37.
St. Bridget current Chaplain: Fr. Joseph Michuki